Some people don't like attending weddings, but I love them. I see them as opportunities to dress up, take photos, get together with friends, and in some instances, reconnect with old ones. With my choral background and my current profession, I've also been asked to sing for many a ceremony and dinner reception; but whether I'm there as guest or as hired service, I try to enjoy every moment.
Every wedding has a distinct quality, because most of the time it reflects the personalities of the bride and groom. It may be grand or simple, of mixed religious denominations or races, in a church or on the beach -- one thing is always constant: and that's love between two people, witnessed by many more who love them. More than the fun, I always feel inspired and hopeful after every wedding.
I was blessed to start the year with, as the title suggests, four weddings, one for every weekend. Eight very different people, and four loving unions, in various locations. I attended a traditional Catholic one at a church, another on a beach, the third was on a garden by the bay, and the last was atop a hill.
Singing and dancing with the bride and groom at the center |
On the first Saturday of January, one of my sisters from the UP Concert Chorus got married. At their dinner party, they asked us to help entertain their guests with a few love songs, but the best part was when both the bride and groom sang and danced with us. That is simply how we celebrate best.
The Friday after that, one of my best girls from the same university choir tied the knot on the beach. "Twice a bridesmaid, never bride," is hopefully not true, because this was my sixth (6th!) time as bridesmaid! As with so many of my friends' weddings, I helped in the preparations from crafting bouquets, to putting make-up on some members of the entourage, and singing for the service and party (see us dance in the cut.)
Arm-in-arm with Chuck, determined to give the fiercest walk down the aisle =) |
My handmade, personalized bouquet, labeled our mutual pet name, "Forvy" (short for Forever) |
My best Girlies, and their little Girlettes, with the new Missus in white the day after the wedding |
I felt truly valued to be invited to such a small, intimate wedding, by one of my oldest and dearest friends. Aside from finally seeing her marry her love of almost a decade, I got to spend time with some friends whom I hadn't seen in a while. (See more of their gorgeous photos in Proud Rad's public album.)
Yesterday, I went to my fourth and final wedding of the month. The funny thing was, I saw the groom at the third (garden) wedding last week, and he asked if I could sing at church for his wedding in a week. After some last minute coordination, some of my friends from the Gala Quintet agreed to join me.
Sunrise singers, the Gala Quintet *love* |
Perfectly packed chapel |
At this age, I have a better understanding for practicality, so I never take it personally when I'm not invited to friends' weddings; but consequently I have a deeper appreciation for when I am invited. I'm grateful for all my friends who have wanted me there on their special day. I have loved every single one, and continue to pray for their marriages and families.
Goodbye, January. You flew by wonderfully!
P.S. -- Funny, I saw through Timehop that in January 2015, I attended four weddings and a baby shower. This year, I attended four weddings and a baptism. I'm glad I always start the year with love and life.